EMA Partners Czech Republic
The Czech Republic has always been at the centre of Europe, and through the last thousand years, the region has become a centre of wealth and power. Its central location is a true meeting point of cultures and nationalities, which has led to strong industrial and economic development.
Since the political changes of 1989, the country has achieved the largest Foreign Direct Investments per capita. Due to its quality workforce, expert skills and infrastructure, the country is recognised as an important industrial centre both regionally and internationally. More than 3 million cars are produced within a 400 km radius of the capital, Prague.
The quality and skills in manufacturing cars and automotive parts have influenced other industries to flourish as well, and the Czech Republic, Slovakia and southern Poland have become important centres for production and distribution for many industries. Moreover, the region has a highly developed market with excellent opportunities for the industry as well as for consumers.

EMA Partners Czech Republic | Husted
Agathis Business Centre
Opletalova 55
Praha 1 110 00
Czech Republic