EMA Partners Chile
Chile stands out as one of the most dynamic and open economies in Latin America, consolidating its global leadership in strategic sectors such as mining, technology, and sustainability. With a network of 33 trade agreements covering 65 economies, foreign trade accounts for more than 50% of its GDP, positioning the country as a benchmark for global integration. As the world's leading producer of copper and the second-largest producer of lithium, Chile plays a key role in the energy transition and the green economy. Additionally, its energy matrix, with more than 30% sourced from renewables, underscores its commitment to carbon neutrality by 2050.
A member of the OECD since 2010, the country combines macroeconomic stability with a strategic vision for innovation, highlighted by initiatives such as the Humboldt Cable, which connects South America with Asia and Oceania. Its focus on digital transformation, quality education, and sustainability positions Chile as a regional leader with global reach, a destination for global investments, and an epicenter of innovation and human development, where companies can build high-impact, internationally oriented teams.
Regarding emerging industries, sectors such as technology and biotechnology are gaining momentum. According to a World Bank report, investment in research and development in Chile has progressively increased, reaching 0.4% of GDP, with notable growth in areas related to clean technologies and software.

EMA Partners Chile | TestaNova
Avenida Santa Maria 5888,
Santiago de